Cookie Settings

Updated on:

June 13, 2024

Cookie Introduction

Cookie is a small text file that a website stores in a user's browser to record the user's browsing activity and preferences. JuicySuite uses cookie when providing services to improve user experience and provide more personalized content and functionality.

Cookie Type

JuicySuite uses the following types of cookies:

Necessary Cookie: A basic cookie that ensures the normal operation of the website and cannot be turned off.
Functional Cookie: record user preferences, such as language, font size, etc., to provide personalized services.
Analytical Cookie: collect website usage data to help us improve website performance and user experience.
Advertising Cookie: Deliver personalized ads and improve ad conversion rates.

Cookie Management

You can choose to accept or reject cookie through your browser settings. However, please note that rejecting cookie may affect certain functionality of the website. If you choose to reject cookie, JuicySuite may not be able to provide personalized or specific services.

Privacy and Security

JuicySuite will strictly abide by the Privacy Policy to ensure the security and legal use of user cookie data. We will not use cookie for any illegal or inappropriate purposes.

Updates and Modifications

JuicySuite has the right to modify these Cookie Terms of Use at any time, and the modified terms will take effect immediately upon being announced. If you do not agree to the new terms, please stop using this website immediately.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about the use of cookies, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to provide you with a satisfactory solution.